
雖然好像是11月初的事情了,但圓圓和小肥腿現在才看到...〔笑〕 但還是很開心都柏林為2016年十大必遊城市第三名,畢竟在都柏林待個一個月多了,就自以為是愛爾蘭人了 〔大笑〕 而且今年都柏林也被Conde Nast Travel magazine 票選為全世界第二友善的城市。 


更有人說 The city is the "new Barcelona, without the sunstroke" 

不會中暑的新巴塞隆納? 根本是很少看到太陽的新巴賽隆納吧!〔我們真的超級想念台灣的太陽嗚嗚〕

根據 Lonely Planet 選出 2016 必遊城市 

1. Kotor, Montenegro  科托, 蒙特內哥羅〔位於歐洲的巴爾幹半島〕

2. Quito, Ecuador 基多〔首都〕, 厄瓜多〔位於南美洲〕

3. Dublin, Ireland 都柏林〔首都〕, 愛爾蘭〔位於歐洲〕

4. George Town, Malaysia 喬治城, 馬來西亞〔位於亞洲〕

5. Rotterdam, the Netherlands  鹿特丹, 荷蘭〔位於歐洲〕

6. Mumbai, India 孟買, 印度〔位於亞洲〕

7. Fremantle, Australia 弗里曼特爾, 澳洲〔位於澳洲〕

8. Manchester, UK  曼徹斯特, 英國〔位於歐洲〕

9. Nashville, USA 納許維爾, 美國〔位於北美洲〕

10. Rome, Italy 羅馬, 義大利〔位於歐洲〕

以下出自 孤獨星球 的文章:

Yesterday the economic outlook was as dark as a pint of stout and the shadow of mass emigration again loomed, but today Ireland has bounced back – and nowhere is this buoyancy more evident than on the Liffey’s bustling banks. The diaspora has turned inside out and Dublin is now a truly cosmopolitan capital, with an influx of people, energy and ideas infusing the ever-beguiling, multi-layered city with fresh flavours and kaleidoscopic colours. Over 40% of the population is estimated to be under 30 and the place pulsates with youthful vibrancy, optimism and creativity. No longer a dirty auld town, Dublin has a healthy hue – with people embracing its inner green spaces and exploring the wild outdoor arenas along the coast and ‘beyond the pale’.

This year marks the centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising, the moment when – as Nobel Prize-pocketing word sculptor WB Yeats put it – ‘All changed, changed utterly: / A terrible beauty is born’. WB’s terrible beauty was the wave of passion, politics and action that washed across Ireland after an armed rebellion against British rule erupted on the streets of Dublin, leaving scars still visible on the city’s best-loved buildings. The uprising failed, but ham-fisted executions of its leaders – one carried to the firing squad on a stretcher and another killed hours after marrying his lover in a candlelit ceremony in Kilmainham Gaol – saw public support for the nationalist cause surge, sparking a chain of events that ultimately led to the creation of the Irish Republic. A huge €22 million has been set aside for planning the 2016 celebrations.

Life changing experience

Meet the perfect stranger through the Little Museum’s brilliant City of a Thousand Welcomes initiative, where an ordinary Dubliner will tell you about their home town over a free drink in a local pub.

Follow the Independence Trail around key sites where nation-forming events took place, such as the GPO, Kilmainham Gaol and Dublin Castle.

Plunge into the Irish Sea at the Forty Foot in Sandycove, or nurse a deep dark pint fireside in Mulligan’s on Poolbeg St, where the atmosphere is as potent as the stout.

Wander amid the leaves of Phoenix Park and St Stephen’s Green, along the new ‘Dubline’ discovery trail, across the hallowed grounds of Trinity College, over Ha’penny Bridge and through Temple Bar to Christchurch, or right out of the city and into the Dublin Mountains – but do wander. Dublin deserves to be imbibed at walking pace.

〔但我們都覺得 Dublin Castle 真的很還好QQ〕

Phoenix Park 和 St Stephen’s Green 真的必遊啊!很漂亮的兩個都柏林有指標性意義的公園!〕

Trinity College 也是必遊! 美麗並且有歷史意義的大學〕

Current craze

Puckering up to the perfect pint of porter is on everyone’s Dublin to-do list, but guess what…not all Irish beer is black. Join the boutique beer revolution at increasingly popular craft ale pubs like The Black Sheep and Against the Grain.

Most bizarre sight

From the Tart with the Cart (Molly Malone statue, temporarily on Suffolk St) and the Stiletto in the Ghetto (Spire of Light, O’Connell St) through to the Prick with the Stick (James Joyce effigy, North Earl St) – in Dublin, public art collides with irreverent street humour like nowhere else.

Classic place to stay

Temple Bar might be boisterous, but at its heart are several classy accommodation options, including the Merchant House and No 25 Eustace Street – a Georgian House which sleeps seven and comes complete with Bechstein boudoir piano and free-standing rolltop bath.

By Patrick Kinsella

From: lonelyplanet

Read more:

所以圓圓和小肥腿決定了!我們2016環歐的計劃要排進去荷蘭的鹿特丹、義大利的羅馬 :D 

對了!愛爾蘭飛英國的曼側斯特的單程機票只要9.99歐喔!所以如果你們要來都柏林,不彷順便去一下英國的曼徹斯特!這樣就一次完成兩個必遊城市了耶 〔整個無敵期待的〕


[愛爾蘭打工度假] 愛爾蘭超市比較-TESCO、Lidl、ALDI、Dunnes

[愛爾蘭生活] 我認識的都柏林 - 到處都是色彩繽紛的大門

[愛爾蘭生活] 餐餐自己煮 一周伙食費大公開 (都柏林超市物價)

[愛爾蘭生活] 一起瘋狂購物去吧! 今天是黑色星期五 Black Friday

[愛爾蘭生活] 交通篇: 騎腳踏車真方便 都柏林也有 Ubike ♬

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